Friday, December 28, 2012

In Love?

Since not really many people will come across this blog, i guess this is a good place for me to write whatever i want. :D

When i saw so almost all of my friends are having girlfriend and boyfriend, actually i thought of having one myself too. But its just hard to decide who to go for. Since there are too many good girls around me. 

Almost all the girls that i like is younger or same age with me.

2 of the same ages, 1 of them is 3 years younger, 1 of them is 7 years younger and another one is 8 years younger. Omg, am i a lolicon? Hahaha

I really should set down properly and think what should I do. Shouldn't mess around again like what I am doing now. 

God, please give me strength and health to do what I should. :D