Monday, July 9, 2012

How to survive in KL?

Lately, had a lot of things to do. I feel a bit tired. But i feel happy as well. Why?

Because I have a group of good friends, encouraging each other everyday of life in KL.
Seriously, without them, my life will still be hard.

When i first come KL, i come here alone. I eat, live, sleep and do many things alone. However, my group of friends are now really a great team. I am not alone anymore. My friends find me for most of the meal, outing, movie, working and doing the things that I should do. 

I am now single, but I had promise myself not to have any relationship within 2 years. However, more and more good girls appear around me. Haha, but still, a promise is a promise. 2 years will pass in a blink of an eye. Being single for 2 years is not that hard considering I had been single for until i was 20 years old. 

Now, how to survive in KL?
  • Get a full time job that pay enough for living expenses. But the job must not have working hour that is too long and unreasonable.
  • Use the remaining time to do part time job or join some organization that have benefits to you.
  • Do some sports that is not too expensive such as basketball, badminton, table tennis or jogging. Don't play golf when you are still starting your life in KL.
  • Find some friends out for dinner or outing so that you won't get too bored at home.
  • If you are Christian, go to church but don't join their outing too much because some teenagers in church is so damn Fking rich that they eat and spend like their father is the bank owner
  • Contact me if you think you want to start a career in KL. 0143934143