Thursday, January 7, 2016

2015 achievement and 2016 resolutions.

I end 2015 with quite a good achievement on my own.

Let see what have I achieved based on my resolution for 2015 in 2014.

1. Be closer to God. Yeah! Definitely. I feel I am closer to God now. I had brought one friend to church and he was baptized in year 2015. I also helped out in some events that needs help. I am still trying to improve my spiritual live by not missing any Sunday service but it's quite hard for me. 

3. Diet and reduce my weight. I set myself to reach 75kg but it's seems a bit hard. However, my body size and shape has been improved tremendously. A lot of people said I had become slimmer but my weight is not decreasing. 

4. Setting up a website. Yeah, successfully set up one website that is dynamic enough. The website is . I just need to put in more contents and refine a little bit more.

5.  Vacation to Thailand, Korea or Japan. Failed all. I didnt manage to get to these place for vacation.

6. Buy a house. Nope, i failed this one too.

7. Get a girlfriend that is approved by God. Failed this one too.

So basically it is 3/6.

For 2016, i had list down few resolutions for myself too.

1. Improve my spiritual life. 
2. Buy a house
3. Reduce my weight to 75kg
4. Run 4 marathons.
5. Promotion to Team lead.
6. Have at least 25k savings.
7. Make a few more website or a php library file for sale in some web site.
8. Vacation to 1 foreign country
9. Vacation to one of the place in Malaysia.

Sincerely pray to God that I can make all these possible.