Friday, June 24, 2016

Preparation update to Montreal

Confirmed the date that I will fly to Montreal is 2am, 15th July 2016. So I need to go to airport at 14th July night time.

Since my brothers will come here on 6th July and the vacation end on 11th July, I will only need to work on 12th and 13th before going to Montreal. PSL Group had approved my request on getting a MacBook for work. Company had bought a custom model of MacBook Pro with i7 intel core processor and 16GB Ram. It will be useful especially when I run a script that goes through a several hundred thousands of data. I hope I can get the MacBook before I fly off.

I had decided to get a second hand bicycle in Montreal too. I will sell it off before I come back to Malaysia. It ease my travel everyday and I also can get to know how does it feel to cycle to work.

I am given quite a big capacity for luggage. 2 baggage and each maximum limit is 23kg. I don't need that much when I go there. However, I will need all those kgs when I come back. I will buy a lot of things from there, maybe some sport shoes, or maybe even a hoverboard.

I am just getting more and more excited. Pray that everything went well when I am there.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Counting down for Canada on job training....and also my relationship status.

I had this opportunity to work travel to Montreal, Canada. It's really once in a life time opportunity. I felt I am a very blessed kid.

The exact flying date is either 14, 15 or 16 July 2016 depend on the flight availability. It will probably stop at Qatar for 4 hours. I had an advise from my colleague to not buy anything in Qatar using credit card because the fraud level there is very high.

I had done some research of where to go in Canada. The office is in Montreal, so I might take bus or their train to Toronto if the train or bus is available at Friday night so that I can spend the weekend there. Ripley's aquarium of Canada in Toronto and Toronto Zoo are the places that I want to visit. My colleague had already asked me to bring some instant food from here to colleagues in Montreal. Their relationship are really close... from what I had seen so far. 

I am really excited now. No words can describe my feeling. I can only thank God for such a wonderful opportunity. This working trip alone, can offset my emptiness of no vacation for at least 1 year. Furthermore, my brothers are coming to KL soon. They will come during Raya time and I had planned a series of events and places to go. Basically most of the events are eating. 

Other than that, a lot of things had happened recently. Not about work or vacation only. It's more about relationship. Do I ever consider a serious relationship? The answer is yes. Then why am I still single? Because the right one has not appear yet. At least that's what I think. I do hope that I can get rid of my "single" status this year but rushing is not the right way. I will prefer to spend my time and look around slowly. 

My new colleagues asked me what type of girl I like. They are all married, so they are trying to help me out. But everytime they ask me this question, I don't know how to answer. It's not that I don't have any requirements but usually it's not so realistic. In the end, it depends on your impression of the girl. I can say I like a girl who is smart, can sing, do sports, not the pushy type, attractive, financially independent, can cook, Christian, and many many more but it's like finding a unicorn if I said all that. So I will just say "as long as we click, then it's fine", general enough. Hahaha.

More updates coming soon, especially when my brothers are here and when I go to Canada.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Weird planning by my cell group.

We have a planning session every 3 months to discuss about our cell group weekly gathering topic. So for the last discussion, I didn't join them because I need to work.

So they planned to have a gathering on Thursday this week instead of the usual Tuesday. I am not sure who is the one suggested that because Thursday is Duan Wu festival. Today is that Thursday. Seems to me like not much people can make it. Probably too many people is not good too but until now, there are only 2 people who RSVP, one is the organizer (not the one who suggested) and another one is me.

5 people had already confirmed that they cannot make it. Let see how it goest la.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

First week in PeerHealth Malaysia Sdn Bhd

I started my new job as Application Developer in PeerHealth Malaysia Sdn Bhd last Wednesday. I have had a 1 on 1 online conference with my superior Anand Balachandran. He is a very nice and considerate guy. I felt really good to be on his team. I felt I am really lucky. 

First day on the job, I received a great welcome. My name is printed on a paper and arranged nicely on the table where I am sitting. On first day, it is basically just briefing about everything, about the company rules and regulation, about company people, office and even had a welcoming lunch with the team. The boss of KL office also came for the welcoming lunch. It has been a long time since I felt so appreciated.

I can feel the people in the team is really nice. Basically they are really focused on the work and delivering product only. Happy to be in the team.