Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 achievements and 2018 resolutions

As usual, every end of the year, I will post an update of what I have achieved and what is my next year resolutions.

2017 achievements based on 2017 resolutions.
1. Saving more than 50k. Failed. Where got so easy. Haha.

2. Go to one foreign country for vacation. Yup, done. I went to Phuket, Ho Chi Minh and Taiwan.

3. Made at least 2 local trips. Done too. I went to Taiping, Penang, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching in 2 more days.

4. Learn one more foreign language (Japanese or Korean will do). Learned Korean, but can't really speak or remember any of it.

5. Reduce weight to 80kg. Failed terribly. Haha

6. Make one more website. Done this and the website is progressing well. :-)

7. Learn to cook better and more healthy. I failed this too.

8. Get a freelance project once every 4 months. Done this. Basically I got about 4 or 5 freelances project this year. 

So in total, it is 5/8, not bad for this year.

As of now, I felt a bit tired of taking freelance project while working on my full time job. So I plan to not take any freelancing project anymore unless the payment is really good. I also hope my income in 2018 can reach 5 figures because it is my wish since few years back. Health wise, I really need to get to 80kg as soon as I can. So in conclusion...

1. Accept less than 3 freelancing projects (only good pay). Those carried forward in this year won't be counted.
2. Diet to 80kg.
3. Go to 1 foreign country for vacation
4. Go to 2 local places for vacation
5. Get a girlfriend in 2018 because I wanna get married by 2019. Haha.
6. Learn to read chinese mandarin
7. Learn AI Programming (Python) for fun
8. Perfecting my guitar skill. 

Seriously, there are so many things I wanna do in 2018. I am not even sure if I have enough time for all of them but if not, I might have to sacrifice some like perfecting guitar skill or learning AI Programming (Python).

Hope 2018 will be a good year for me.