Monday, December 24, 2018

2018 achievements and 2019 resolutions.

Here I come again, updating my blog when it's almost new year.

2018 has been an amazing year. I changed job 2 times due to certain reasons. From Spread to Tamago (a project under Astro) because Spread location is too far and the working hour is a bit off. Plus I dont like the management. 

Then from Tamago to SG.GS because Tamago doesnt seems like have much future and yeah, Astro stopped the project and cause quite a lot of people losing their job instantly namely the staff who worked on the project and thousands of their livestreamers. 

Anyway, I am not here to talk about that. I am here to talk about my resolutions. 

So in 2018, I made these resolutions.
1. Accept less than 3 freelancing projects (only good pay). Those carried forward in this year won't be counted. (success. I only accepted one freelance job this year)
2. Diet to 80kg. (failed)
3. Go to 1 foreign country for vacation (success, manage to go to 4 different countries this year)
4. Go to 2 local places for vacation (success, I went to Melaka, Bintulu, Sibu and Penang)
5. Get a girlfriend in 2018 because I wanna get married by 2019. Haha. (failed)
6. Learn to read chinese mandarin (no action taken)
7. Learn AI Programming (Python) for fun (no action taken)
8. Perfecting my guitar skill.  (no action taken)

So this year, it's 3/8

This time round, I wanna stop putting my resolutions in my blog. No more resolutions update from here because things are getting more personal and internet is not so personal anymore.

I guess this will be my last post in a while... by a while, I mean like half year to one year.  

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Living cost in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I have similar post few years back but now it's different. 

Lifestyle in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, has become more expensive nowadays thanks to the high inflation rate.

If you are from other state, or other country, and decided to come to Malaysia to work, and if you are reading this, please use this as your reference.

If you are single, and you come alone to Kuala Lumpur without any specific skill, you might want to live the cheapest lifestyle possible.

Here is the list of what we need to survive in KL.
- Room (RM 250, this can only either get a small room or sharing with someone)
- Utility (RM50, if you are lucky, you dont have to pay any utility for the room you rent)
- Transport (RM200, without your own car, using Grab or MyCar to work, this is only if your work is not too far. If you can rent a room within walking distance to your office, then you can save up this money)
- Insurance (RM150, just to be safe because you never know what will happen. But if you dont want to get it when you just start to work, I understand too because I also only get it after 2 years of working)
- Phone and data (RM50, I assume you have some smartphone that is usable, don't have to get nice or latest model because they are expensive. So a data plan is enough. You can get a really cheap one so RM50 is quite sufficient)
- Food (RM400, you really cannot eat a lot of nice food with this. This is like bread, economic rice, fried rice, instant noodle sometimes but still, it's enough)
- Miscellaneous like grocery, hair cut, entertainment (RM300, just a rough number but usually this will not be enough. Too many things to cover like shampoo, body wash, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, kitchen thing, toilet paper, haircut, maybe movie once a month and so on)

In total for the cheapest lifestyle, you also already need RM1400. To get cash RM1400, your salary has to be around RM1600. So if you really trying to bet your luck here, please do it with at least RM1600 basic. 

For medium and good lifestyle for singles, I had screenshot a spreadsheet.

As you can see from medium lifestyle, once you have a car, your expenses increase by at least RM 800. You cant just say "I don't need car maintenance and car insurance every month", because you have to start saving for it.

You might start to go for sports, subscribe to gym, enjoy better food, live in better room without roommate, go for better saloon for hair cut and watch more movie. So total up to around RM 3010 which means your gross salary should be around RM3400 - RM3500. Of course, you can cut off something unnecessary and calculate your own expenses.

Luxury lifestyle, which includes eating some Sushi or Korean food, trying out Indulge hall in TGV, going for gym and go for futsal and badminton once in a while, driving a Honda City to work, will requires you to have around RM 4400 per month, which is about RM 5100 - RM 5200 gross salary.

Here is the spreadsheet I used to generate this. It's quite simple, just key in the amount you spend on each and you can see the total at the last column.

If you compare this post to the one I posted before, this one has no picture and less colorful. But if you read the content, you will realise that the cost for everything also increased.

So if you want to know more about living cost in Malaysia, feel free to comment below or message to me from Facebook.

Friday, April 20, 2018

My working experience in Spread Sdn Bhd.

I reviewed the company that I worked in 2016-2017 when I just joined as "good", because it is the truth. Some people (not only 1) even emailed me to ask about that company before they decided to join.

But for the one that I just left... definitely not even average compared to all my previous job. A lot of room of improvement but I am not sure they will improve or not because there are no experienced people in there.

If they can change a few things, then it will be good. If not, then good luck to you :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Random short trip

My employer is so "nice" that they give extra 2 days holiday for CNY which is 15 and 19 February. Then we worked extra on Saturday last week so we get another replacement leave on 20 February.

19 and 20 February is Monday and Tuesday. It's a bit waste if I don't fully utilise them because I come back to KL from my hometown on 18 February (Yeah, they didnt tell us earlier that there will be extra 2 days holiday). So I randomly booked a flight ticket to Cambodia for a short trip. (But some argument happened there with the company)

This round, I will not book any hotel room, so will just find a bag packer hostel to stay when it's night time. I will only carry one bag to travel so it will be convenient to move around. 

Now I am excited. Only need to work one more day until my syok vacation~