Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to reduce anger?

Anger exists in anyone.

How can we reduce it? I am not really good in getting angry. So i don't know if this information is useful to you or not. But you can try. This is my method to reduce the anger

1. Whenever you feel angry, try to wash your face in the toilet. In front of the mirror, hypnotize yourself saying "Its ok, just a small problem. I can fix it. I can control it".

2. If you feel angry today, find someone to talk about it. Preferable someone you can trust or someone whose mouth is not big enough to let it leak out to outside world.

3. Do some exercise can release a lot of stress. When you have less stress, your anger fade away slowly.

4. When you are angry, sing a song in karaoke box might be able to help. When you are singing, be sure to let it all out. Shout all the way you need no matter your sound is broken or what. As long as you can feel better, that's it.

5. Deep breathes

Following is the answer i get from the survey i done to some of my friends.
  1. Eat
  2. Throw bad words
  3. Go far far away from the person who make him/her angry and forget it.

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