Sunday, March 15, 2009

Which type are you?

Few days had passed since the horrible & terrible & busy week. I need some good sleep now.

Just now, i went to church and heard what the reverent said. He said, youngster and teenagers nowadays have a lot of demand. They want a nice and latest cell phone, highly branded laptop, car, money and so on. He then said, parents nowadays also will most likely to give all those things for their children because they love their children.

Is that true?

Yeah, it is true. Parents nowadays will give most of the things that i mentioned to their kids. These are all due to their busy life of work to earn more money. They forgot that they need to give more attention to their kids. I wonder how did they use the money. When the children said, "Mom, i need some pocket money because i want to go out with friends" , how much u think the mother will give her child? I don't think the red color money is sufficient for the child. He/she will ask for more if he/she dare.

Human basic needs is foods( include water ), clothes and place to live. Other than that, all is accessories such as cell phone, laptop, ring, air conditioner and etc. Although some of the accessories became a part of their life for some human being, there are still some people only need those 3 basic needs to live.

That's why farmers should be the people that we respect the most. Without them, u will have no foods to eat. Don't tell me that if we don't have food, we just need to went to restaurant and eat.

What if all the farmers quit their job at once?
What if the world have earthquake and all houses collapsed?
What if all the clothes in the world being burn down?

Will we back to the world like before? Live in a cave, hunt for animals, collect fruits in the jungle, use animal skins to make clothes......i would not wanted to think about it.

When i was hearing what the reverent said earlier, i realized that teenagers nowadays really don't know how to appreciate. They already have what they must have but they still want more.

The reverent also said, most of the people in the world only got 1 of these 2. Physical satisfaction and psychology satisfaction. Physical satisfaction is the satisfaction gained from the great stuff, item, accessories, material and etc on the earth. Psychology satisfaction is the satisfaction gained through the care of family or closely related people.

For first type of people, they got 2 out of these 2 satisfaction.
For second type of people, they got 1 out of these 2 satisfaction.
For third type of people, they got 0 out of these 2 satisfaction.

Which one are you?

I will say that i am the third type.

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