Saturday, August 10, 2013

Top 5 reasons you shouldn't be fat.

There is no survey had been done, just personal opinion.

  1. You shouldn't be fat because you will cause the person who sit beside you in bus, LRT or airplane feel uncomfortable. You are taking up their space, leaving them so less left.
  2. You shouldn't be fat because whenever you are in a car, whether you are driving or not, you will cause the car to be unbalanced. You will cause the car absorber to spoil faster.
  3. You shouldn't be fat because you will slow down many people. You slowed down your team in a game, you slowed down the whole group in a bus because you cannot get off the bus faster, you slowed down the the transport of people from 1st floor to 20th floor because your weight alone is enough to cover up for 2 people and so on. You slow!
  4. You shouldn't be fat because you die faster. Although some skinny people also die fast, but fat people definitely will get high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack easier.
  5. You shouldn't be fat because you will be lack of stamina. A little bit of walking cause you to feel tired. You cannot work efficiently compared to healthier or skinnier people. No matter what you do, you lack of stamina.... No matter what...

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